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What is a dedicated cycle signal?

Dedicated cycle signalsfacilitate cycle travel through intersections. Depending on the signal type and cycle volumes in the network, they can be a phase of the signal cycle or can be activated by loop detectors or push buttons. Cycle signal heads are cycle-specific signals that function similarly to traditional traffic signals.

What are cycle signals & how do they work?

Cycle signalsenable phase separation and may be timed with concurrent movements. They may also enable leading bicycle intervals, which allow cyclists to proceed ahead of motor vehicles, further enhancing safety and confidence. Dedicated cycle signals also facilitate cycle-only signal phases where a cycleway crosses a major street.

How long should a signal cycle be?

This discourages walking altogether, and makes streets into barriers that separate destinations, rather than arteries that stitch them together. Short cycle lengths of 60–90 seconds are ideal for urban areas. Longer signal cycles and corridor-based timing schemes make large avenues into barriers that separate neighborhoods rather than joining them.

What is the bicycle signals resource hub?

Figure 1. Green bicycle signal face in Seattle, Washington, USA. Source: PBIC/Adam Coppola Photography. The Bicycle Signals Resource Hub is an interactive webpage to assist transportation professionals in the planning, design, and operation of bicycle traffic signals.

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